Along for the Ride, in Spirit

Susan in Mendocino

Today I was thinking about my late business partner, Susan, while I trapped feral cats on a 50 acre water buffalo farm where they produce mozzarella in rural Marin County. Talk about farm fresh. As you’ve probably guessed, it’s uniqueness is evident. I mean, seriously, it’s where the buffalo roam. (And, I’m guessing, where the deer and the antelope play.)

water buffalo3

water buffalo2

Anywhere rural is bound to have feral cats. Like being in one of those revolving doors at fancy hotels, they tend to come and go. But not before we ensure they stop having kittens. Still, that’s a tall order to fill when, if we miss 2 cats of the opposite sex, well, there ya go.

revolving door

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Say it Isn’t So – A High School Reunion

My 50th high school reunion was this weekend but I didn’t go. I’m sure I would have enjoyed seeing a few classmates I actually remember from way back then, but I skipped it, as well as my 45th. I’ll let my re-post from my 40th reunion explain…

I went to my 40th high school reunion Friday night. Hard to believe that much time has passed. Even harder to believe I decided to go. You see, it’s a fact I have no memory and haven’t seen most of these folks since I was a pimply-faced 17-year-old. Odds are I wouldn’t recognize a soul.

It might have helped if everyone wore a photo of their senior portrait. Still, for me that wouldn’t have been enough. Their name needed to be included. Those little tricks might have increased my odds to a 10% recognition factor.

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You Go Girl!

This post was originally written in 2013

Beautiful Lake Tahoe

Beautiful Lake Tahoe

Three friends and I went to Lake Tahoe last month to cheer for our friend Patti; she rode 100 miles in the 22nd annual ‘America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride’ for the Leukemia Foundation ‘Team in Training.’ I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Patti trained for months to complete the ride so we went to support her at the finish, whether she crawled or rode across. Continue reading

Sweet Bliss

It’d been a while since Sharon and I had seen each other because let me just say, grass does not grow under that woman’s feet. I’m talking not one single blade. She and her hubby Jim have been to all but two of the United States. And don’t even ask me how many countries they’ve visited. I can’t count that high.

So after their trip to New Mexico but before they leave for Africa, we made plans to spend the day together. I picked up Sharon in Santa Rosa and we headed for the picturesque town of Healdsburg, which is surrounded by beautiful vineyards and wineries. Sorta like a miniature Italy.

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Call Me Sentimental

Where I live, our new normal seems to include fires that ravage hundreds if not thousands of acres and in the process destroy homes, businesses and many lives. Now don’t get me wrong; I realize this is no way to begin a humor blog but sometimes reality is brutal. We’re now accustomed to planned blackouts during high winds so downed power lines won’t start fires.

My good friends Sharon and Jim recently moved into their beautiful home in the hills of Santa Rosa but had to evacuate last month as fire quickly engulfed the rolling hills leading to their home. They only had time to grab some clothes, important documents and their laptops before fleeing from the approaching flames. (Thankfully, their home was saved.)

This got me thinking of what I’d take if I needed to get out of Dodge, so to speak. That’s a toughie. Naturally, my first grab and go would be my pets. The grabbing part, however, would be a bit difficult with my particular cats. I have 5 of them and just realized I’m short on carriers. Note to self: get more carriers.

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