Getting Healthy – Not Me, My Pets

I’ve been making meals for myself for 15 years now. No more planning dinners for my significant other since I no longer have one. My ex was a meat eater and I’m not, so I cooked him a typical Midwest meal of meat and potatoes with a side of vegetables thrown in for good measure. I, on the other hand, enjoy anything without a face, like my roasted tomato-vegetable casserole, salad on the side.

Oh, how times have changed. Once I’d acclimated to cooking dinner only when I felt like it (even though my ex never expected me to cook for him), I’d just wing it. For instance, I’d simply enjoy cheese and crackers followed by fruit with yogurt. Or maybe I’d have breakfast for dinner, something my dad always enjoyed.

Dad at Sand Harbor in Lake Tahoe
Dear old Dad

So now I’m back to cooking for those in my home who depend on me for their daily sustenance — my 10 pets. They’re the opposite of my ex in that they expect and actually insist I make their meals. It better be ready at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., respectively, or I’m gonna hear about it. Most of my pets aren’t much larger than a bread box (am I dating myself?) and since I definitely am larger, one would imagine they’d think twice before being so demanding.

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Sweet Bliss

It’d been a while since Sharon and I had seen each other because let me just say, grass does not grow under that woman’s feet. I’m talking not one single blade. She and her hubby Jim have been to all but two of the United States. And don’t even ask me how many countries they’ve visited. I can’t count that high.

So after their trip to New Mexico but before they leave for Africa, we made plans to spend the day together. I picked up Sharon in Santa Rosa and we headed for the picturesque town of Healdsburg, which is surrounded by beautiful vineyards and wineries. Sorta like a miniature Italy.

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Going Sugar-Free

Have I mentioned I gave up sugar for almost 7 months? No? Well, I did. I bet I know what you’re thinking…how could I, a sugar addict, give up the white stuff (once again) for more than a day? I suppose you could say I didn’t TOTALLY give it up. After all, sugar is in pretty much everything, right?

sugar 2

You’d be amazed at the amount of sugar Americans consume in a day. One teaspoon of the stuff equals 4 grams and let me tell you, that adds up quickly. For instance, did you know a Snickers Bar has 28 grams of sugar? Wow. Good thing I don’t like Snickers. Sadly, I adore Baby Ruth’s with 33 grams.

snickers and baby ruth bars

I’m relatively certain only particular vegetables are sugar-free. Potatoes, however, aren’t one of them. Don’t be fooled, folks; the foods that don’t blatantly look sugar-laden convert into it immediately upon hitting your tongue. And don’t even get me started on pasta.

spicy pasta

Spicy tomato cream pasta…yum

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Back on Track

So a while back, I wrote about my attempt to get in shape and lose the poundage I gained after nearly a year of being sedentary (damn old back). Being a couch potato didn’t suit me much. But when just about every step felt like what I imagine a lightening bolt to the back feels like, the thought of exercising never entered my mind.


And you know what goes along with being a couch potato? You guessed it. Eating, that’s what. During the height of the pandemic, I, like millions of Americans, ate more than my fair share of potatoes.

So with my lack of mobility, those spuds headed directly for my thighs. And stomach. And hips. Pretty much everywhere except my ankles. Those were unscathed, thank you very much. But then I got an epidural for my back, which didn’t help much. Months later I got another and lo and behold, the pain was gone. Strike up the band!

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Being a Hypocrite

I must confess I’m starting off the new year being a bit of a hypocrite and some, I might add, would say a conformist. That’s because as much as I prefer to avoid making New Year’s resolutions, mainly because I rarely keep them, I’ve gone and done that exact thing.

Yes, my friends, I’m going along with millions of others who resolved on Friday morning — New Year’s Day — to make a change or two…like the only time we can do such a thing is January 1st! Now don’t get me wrong; I have nothing against setting goals and working toward them but I ask you, do you know anyone who kept their New Year’s resolution beyond January?

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